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Monday, 18 March 2013

News on our work to save the Shuar, their lands and their Nature from the Mirador Open Pit Copper and Gold Mine

We have been very busy over the last months working with the Shuar tribes in the Ecuadorian Amazon and with NGO´s and Human Rights Organizations in Quito to halt The Mirador open pit Copper and Gold Mine. The link below is an article just pubvlished and includes the map we have produced for circulation around the 70 Shaur villages which will be affected by the mine.


We have also created a Facebook Page which is doing really well with over 7,000 "likes". It is an information page with videos and articles.


We have created an Avaaz petition which has been signed by people from 71 countries. The first 1,000 signatures were, on Friday,  delivered to the Judge trying the case against the Government, brought by NGO's against the abuse of the Constitution in respect to the Rights of Nature. We are showing the Judge that the world is watching.

Here is a link to the petition. Please sign and share it wherever you can.:


 Thank you. !

Friday, 1 March 2013

March the First. A walk on the wild side. A photographic trip.

 Remember the Caña Bridge, well it is no more. !! This is exactly where it used to be. !
 On the way to El Tessoro. An abandoned village called "The Treasure"
 El Tessoro
 See the skyline. That's where we are heading. !
 On the way !
 More ruins. !
 Blondina checking the view.
 Dasha checking me.
 The last ruined farmhouse in El Tessoro
 Getting further up the mountain
 And further
 Looking back.
 Arnold Shwartzenegger, known as Shwartze, checking the view.
 Well, we're getting there. Dashinka is waiting for me. !
 Getting fairly high and rugged.
 Schwartzi looking over the top.
 It's beginning to get a bit tricky. !
 A great lookout spot.
 Looking back. Notice the terrace wall. Amazing. I wonder how old it is.
 Finding a way is getting difficult. !
 OK we're off.
 That lump of pure Selenite, Yesso, must have fallen off the mountain. !
 Blondina checking the view.
 Dashinka leading the way.
 We have had to turn back as there is no way up to the plateau for "walkers" and dogs. !
 Looking for a new route.
 Quite a view.
 There is the way up.
 Hot dog!
 OK We are pretty much UP and looking back where we have come from.
 On the plateau. I have "zoomed in"  to the snow on the Filabres.
 The plateau.
 More plateau.
 Getting ready to go back down into the El Rio valley.
 The way down.
 Really quite green. We are on the way down to El Rio.
 You can see the Casa De La Realidad on the other side of the valley.
 Wow. Good colors. !
Almost home.
 Just about in El Rio.
Home just around the corner.