El Rio flowing under the bridge in Sorbas. This is the first time, I think, in at least two years. !
The river flowing above the Nacamiento.
This is what was the ever diminishing small pool.
Entrances to the tunnels
This is quite an impressive little waterfall in to the top pool. !
The top pool.
The top pool before rain. !
The Almeria University measuring point is well under water.
This wall needs to be removed and a "weir" put here to relieve the pressure in the line in flood conditions. This wall stops water flowing back into the river in times of flood and creates problems both up the line and down the line from this point.
This the "crystal tank" overflowing. We certainly did a good cleaning job last week. !
High water by the old grain mill at the top of the line.
Past the birth point of the Irrigation Line looking at the Carob tree. I look forward to posting a picture of a carpet of green which happens after rain.
This is looking very like a desert. !
Not a lot of life out here. !
Without rain more trees will die. !
The dogs like this area, sometimes they find a wild boar in the mountains.
Looking back and yes, they did find a wild boar. I was too busy endeavouring to stop "the hunt", as the boars are bigger than the dogs and can inflict some nasty injuries, even death. I missed a good picture. ! The boar ran down into the valley on the right.
I am now on the plateau above the village. You can see that even the Esparto Grass is dying. It is very dry up here and almost all of the Thyme plants are dead - totally dried out.
Coming up to the house. The Palm tree is self seeded. I have been watering it and watching it grow for 16 years. !
A view over what was, years ago, an irrigated terrace.
This is an example of a dying "dry land" olive tree. We have now started watering these trees. Last year we had 43 mm of rain in September. This year we have had 43 mm in the last 10 months in other words ten times less water than last year.
Shoe harvest. ?
Fidel (Castro) as he has a five pointed star on his chest - looking good.
Isa, Errol's dog, also looking good.
Rosie doing her laundry using the Sunseed bicycle washing machine.
Silvie, Heinik and Joshua in the "Honsa and Silvie" garden.